Click to Dial (720) 452-2853


Name: Dasha
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 6inch
Weight: 114
Bust: B-Cup
Hair: Black
Languages: English



Hello! Are you looking for a beautiful blonde woman to keep you company while in Denver? My name is Dasha and I believe I'm the right woman to spice things up for you. Denver is a vibrant city and you don't have to spend time alone even if you're new here. I promise to cheer you up throughout the time we are together giving you an exceptional escort service. I understand Denver very well and will not only be your companion but also a tour guide to take you through some of the best restaurants in the city. I’m a complete package for everything you need from an escort to have a comfortable stay in Denver. I’m just 22 years old but highly experienced on what is required of me as an escort. I know exactly what men come looking for escorts and know how to give it best. Give me a call and I’ll show you exactly I’m the best. I have a B-Cup bust and weigh 114 lbs. I’m a healthy woman and one you can rely upon to have an enjoyable experience in the city.

I work professionally knowing clients what their personal details kept a secret. I’m the type of woman who will kiss and never tell. I will give you the best moment of your life and make you keep coming to Denver every year. Make your little dark secret in Denver and I promise not to let you down. I know you will make it happen. Waiting to hear from you!